January Observations
So, we have put away the holiday trimmings. Or, for some of us, we never got them out in the first place. But, that’s a different blog.
What’s has been going on in the world of calendar days for January? This list is interesting if not inspiring.
There is Introverts Week. I’m not really sure how one celebrates Introverts Week with a bunch of people who don’t want to gather with people, much less talk to them. That has to be a pretty low-key observance.
Silent Record Week. I don’t even know what that means.
Universal Letter Writing Week. I’m afraid that ship has sailed, but it’s a good sentiment.
Hunt for Happiness Week. Can you do that in a week? Really?
There’s the inevitable nods to new year, new beginnings. New Year’s Resolutions Week, Diet Resolution Week, Healthy Weight Week, Sugar Awareness Week, National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week and, the ever popular, National Folic Acid Awareness Week. But also thrown in there is National Pizza Week, National Irish Coffee Week and National Meat Week for those of us who have already blown through our resolutions.
National Blood Donor Month. That, honestly, should be every month but I’m fine with having a special time carved out to bring awareness.
National Braille Literacy Month. I spent time in college tutoring a couple of blind students. Their deal with me was they would teach me braille if they could drive my car. Neither was a successful experience.
There is Bald Eagle Appreciation Days. I’m sure they would appreciate it if we would quit destroying their habitat. That would be a great gift.
National Hoof Care Week. I don’t own horses, so I’m not sure if you can only do that one week out of the year, but I’m thinking probably not.
Some important professionals are recognized in January.
National Soccer Coaches of America Week, to give honor to those people who keep trying to teach America what real football is.
National Certified Register Nurse Anesthetists Week, say thank you before they put you under.
National Activity Professionals Week, which I’m sure is supposed to tie in to the whole Diet Resolution thing so they could have a joint party.
And the big one for the month, National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Week which takes place in Elko, Nevada. Gather around the campfire, eat some beans and listen to the tales of the old west. Not a bad way to spend a cold evening.
No Name Calling Week. Wow. Let’s all put that on our calendars. No kidding. Go do it. Right. Now.
Clean Our Your InBox Week. Now you are just meddling. Cuckoo Dancing Week. I have no words for that one.
And my very favorite of the entire list—Someday We’ll Laugh About This Week. Boy, I hope so. I really, really hope so.
Stay Warm and have a wonderful Hot Tea, Oatmeal and Soup Month.
Glenda Stansbury is Marketing Director of InSight Books and Co-Founder of InSight Institute Certified Celebrant Program. She is also a speaker, a trainer, and an observer of life, and one of Doug Manning’s adorable and talented daughters. You may email Glenda at OrdersAndInfo@InSightBooks.com.