Funerals Together from Afar

Funerals Together from Afar

A word from your friendly Funeral Director and Celebrant...

Death happens regardless of our time and space and situation. If you are faced with the unthinkable loss of losing a loved one during this unique and scary time, please know that funeral professionals are there for you. They will work with you to make the right decisions for your family.

You can bury or cremate now and have a service later when people can be together again. Or you can have a virtual service and invite everyone to join in via webcast or a Zoom platform. Just ask what availability your funeral professionals have for those kind of broadcasting options.

Celebrants all over the world are ready to have a family meeting by phone or Facetime and gather the stories and write a service that honors your loved one. They can perform it now via webcasting or hold it for you when you are ready to have a service.

Grief does not wait and demands that we embrace it. We all are grieving our losses right now--loss of movement, loss of income, loss of friends and family, loss of security, loss of trust. A death just magnifies those feelings and sense of isolation. Allow the people who are trained for this work to help you walk this path and give you words of solace and comfort and ways to put the stories in a place that will help you.

Every life deserves to be celebrated. Even when we are together from afar.